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Get property agent live listing statistics

Retrieve a list of a property agent's live listings, with some basic statistics for the agent's listings and their office's listings. This endpoint is available for all Trademe partner API accounts however is rate limited to 100 calls per hour per consumer

HTTP Method: GET
Requires Authentication? Yes
Permission Required: MyTradeMeRead: Read your membership & listing data.
Supported Formats: XML, JSON
Rate Limited? Yes

URL parameters

memberId Integer (required)
file_format Enumeration (required) The format of the response.
xml Serialize responses into XML.
json Serialize responses into JSON.

Query String parameters

days Integer (optional)

The number of days statistics to retrieve, ending yesterday. Defaults to 30. Minimum 1, maximum 30




LiveListingStatistics Collection of <ListingStatistics> or null

A list of live listings for the property agent with some basic statistics.

ListingId Long Integer

The ID of the listing.

WatcherCount Integer

The number watchers for this listing.

EnquiryCount Integer

The number of enquiries about this listing.

IsSuperFeatured Boolean

Is this a super-featured listing?

DailyStatistics Collection of <DailyListingStatistics> or null

The daily statistics for this live listing for the specified number of days

Day DateTime

The date of the day when these statistics occurred

NewViewCount Integer

The number of times the listing was viewed on this day.

NewImpressionsCount Integer

The number of new impressions for this listing on this day

PerSuburbWatchersStatistics Collection of <PerSuburbListingStatistics> or null

The current count of watchers for this listing by suburb and region

CurrentCount Integer

Count of either views or watchers

SuburbId Integer

Suburb Id of the view or watcher

SuburbName String or null

Suburb name of the view or watcher

RegionId Integer

Region Id of the view or watcher

RegionName String or null

Region name of the view or watcher

GSRegionId Integer

GeoSpatial Region Id of the view or watcher

PerSuburbViewsStatistics Collection of <PerSuburbListingStatistics> or null

The current count of views for this listing by suburb and region

(This type has already been defined)
ClickToCallCount Integer

The current count of click to calls for this listing

MemberIds Collection of Integer or null

a listing can be assign to many members

GlobalPropertyNetworkStatistics <GlobalPropertyNetwork> or null

global property network statistics

ReaUrl String or null

rea url

RealtorUrl String or null

realtor url

HousingUrl String or null

housing url

ProptigerUrl String or null

proptiger url

MakaanUrl String or null

makaan url

ThinkoflivingUrl String or null

thinking of living url

ImpressionsCount Integer

The number of impressions for this listing

ImpressionsInPeriod Integer

The number of impressions for this listing in the specified period

ImpressionsCountAvgPerDay Integer

The number of impressions count average per day for this listing

OfficeDailyStatistics Collection of <OfficeDailyListingStatistics> or null

The daily statistics for the office's combined live listings for the specified number of days.

Day DateTime

The date of the day when these statistics occurred

ListingCount Integer

The number of listings the office had on this day.

NewViewCount Integer

The number of times the office's listings were viewed on this day.

Example XML Response (switch to JSON)

<LivePropertyListingStatistics xmlns="">
        <PerSuburbListingStatistics />
        <PerSuburbListingStatistics />
        <PerSuburbListingStatistics />
        <PerSuburbListingStatistics />

Example JSON Response (switch to XML)

  "LiveListingStatistics": [
      "ListingId": 123,
      "WatcherCount": 123,
      "EnquiryCount": 123,
      "IsSuperFeatured": false,
      "DailyStatistics": [
          "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "NewViewCount": 123,
          "NewImpressionsCount": 123
          "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "NewViewCount": 123,
          "NewImpressionsCount": 123
      "PerSuburbWatchersStatistics": [
          "CurrentCount": 123,
          "SuburbId": 123,
          "SuburbName": "ABC",
          "RegionId": 123,
          "RegionName": "ABC",
          "GSRegionId": 123
          "CurrentCount": 123,
          "SuburbId": 123,
          "SuburbName": "ABC",
          "RegionId": 123,
          "RegionName": "ABC",
          "GSRegionId": 123
      "PerSuburbViewsStatistics": [
      "ClickToCallCount": 123,
      "MemberIds": [
      "GlobalPropertyNetworkStatistics": {
        "ReaUrl": "ABC",
        "RealtorUrl": "ABC",
        "HousingUrl": "ABC",
        "ProptigerUrl": "ABC",
        "MakaanUrl": "ABC",
        "ThinkoflivingUrl": "ABC"
      "ImpressionsCount": 123,
      "ImpressionsInPeriod": 123,
      "ImpressionsCountAvgPerDay": 123
      "ListingId": 123,
      "WatcherCount": 123,
      "EnquiryCount": 123,
      "IsSuperFeatured": false,
      "DailyStatistics": [
          "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "NewViewCount": 123,
          "NewImpressionsCount": 123
          "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
          "NewViewCount": 123,
          "NewImpressionsCount": 123
      "PerSuburbWatchersStatistics": [
          "CurrentCount": 123,
          "SuburbId": 123,
          "SuburbName": "ABC",
          "RegionId": 123,
          "RegionName": "ABC",
          "GSRegionId": 123
          "CurrentCount": 123,
          "SuburbId": 123,
          "SuburbName": "ABC",
          "RegionId": 123,
          "RegionName": "ABC",
          "GSRegionId": 123
      "PerSuburbViewsStatistics": [
      "ClickToCallCount": 123,
      "MemberIds": [
      "GlobalPropertyNetworkStatistics": {
        "ReaUrl": "ABC",
        "RealtorUrl": "ABC",
        "HousingUrl": "ABC",
        "ProptigerUrl": "ABC",
        "MakaanUrl": "ABC",
        "ThinkoflivingUrl": "ABC"
      "ImpressionsCount": 123,
      "ImpressionsInPeriod": 123,
      "ImpressionsCountAvgPerDay": 123
  "OfficeDailyStatistics": [
      "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "ListingCount": 123,
      "NewViewCount": 123
      "Day": "\/Date(1514764800)\/",
      "ListingCount": 123,
      "NewViewCount": 123